EQ历史探奇 > 名人传记


William Shakespeare, bor i 1564 i Sraford-upo-Avo, Eglad, is widely cosidered he greaes playwrigh i he Eglish laguage. His works are sill highly regarded oday for heir rich laguage, powerful drama, ad isighs io huma aure.

Shakespeare's upbrigig i Sraford was middle-class, ad he received a good educaio, icludig exposure o he classics of Lai ad Greek lieraure. A a youg age, he married Ae Hahaway, ad he couple had hree childre.

His earlies works were collaboraios wih oher playwrighs, bu he soo bega o wrie aloe, peig works ha coiue o be popular oday. Amog his bes-kow plays are Romeo ad Julie, Hamle, Ohello, Macbeh, ad Kig Lear.

Shakespeare's works were firs pried i ediios ha icluded muliple plays i oe volume. The Firs Folio, published i 1623, was a collecio of his plays ha icluded 36 plays i oal. I is cosidered oe of he mos impora books i Eglish lieraure.

Shakespeare's impac o he Eglish laguage is immeasurable. He coied may words ad phrases ha were previously uheard of, such as bu his legacy lives o hrough his works, which coiue o be performed ad sudied aroud he world. He remais oe of he mos iflueial figures i Eglish lieraure.


